Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Naniwa Tomoare ナニワトモアレ / なにわ友あれOsaka Kanjo Strut / Osaka Kanjo Tribe

If you have been keeping up with this blog, I been posting a lot of my favorite manga: "Naniwatomoare" by Katsuhisa Minami. This is the story of Osaka. It's based on real experiences through the eyes of Katsuhisa Minami who was in a kanjyo group. The whole series is written in the Kansai dialect which contains the occasional puns and jokes found in the Kansai region. Here's some information, there's two series to this:

Part one:  
ナニワトモアレ Osaka Kanjo Strut
(Naniwatomoare is written in Katakana in this title)
This one focuses on グッさん, Mabo and Hama. These are all nick names, however. All the characters in the series don't have real names.

Part two:
なにわ友あれ Osaka Kanjo Tribe
(Naniwatomoare "Let there be naniwa friend" is written in Hiragana and Kanji)
A new main character is added to the mix. Tetsuya Tetsuo seen below with brass knuckles, appears in the last issues of Osaka Kanjo Strut.

I jump around within the series when I'm making blog posts. 

I have read both series, but Osaka Kanjo Tribe is a on going series. Issue 26 was released in January, which I recently picked up

It takes place in the early 1990's. Team Treason are the main protagonists. These guys are more of gang/street family than a "team". By the time the second series begins, Treason splits up and the main characters form Team Sparky. They run on the kanjyo not only to shine their skills but to settle funk between other teams. This manga contains a lot of fighting, kanjyo racing, fighting, racing, rape, fighting, racing, sex, fighting, rape, racing, and more sex. There's some pretty nasty wrecks too 

From what I been observing is that a lot of cars from the early history of kanjyo racing appear in here, such as Loose Racing and Temple Racing seen on this post: comparisons. A picture of the shop Car Craft Boon is even seen throughout the series.

Car Craft Boon

A pic of the creator Katsuhisa Minami and owner of Car Craft Boon/Osaka JDM Kazuhiro Furukawa

I made a tumblr page dedicated to the whole manga, be sure to check it out.


I been posting the whole series in chronological order page by page.
Enjoy. Kampai.

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